Three quarters of German consumers (74%) want to be able to make digital payments at all shops, restaurants and other retail outlets, with that percentage rising to 87% among 18- to 29-year-olds, according to a survey by the Bitkom digital association.

The survey found that 75% of Germans aged 30 to 40 and 76% of those aged 50-64 support universally available cashless payment options at the point of sale and that “even among senior citizens aged 65 and over, a clear majority of 64% is in favour”.
“We need real freedom of choice when paying,” says Bitkom director Bernhard Rohleder.
“It’s not about getting rid of cash, but leaving customers free to decide how they want to pay at any location.
“Nobody should be forced to carry cash with them all the time.”
The survey of just over 1,000 German consumers aged over 18 was conducted in August 2021.
Three in four Germans want cashless payment options at every point of sale was written by Tom Phillips and published by NFCW.