VERIFICATION: Companies will be able to scan the QR code to authenticate the digital identity card
Bank ID, the Swedish digital identity service provider owned by seven Scandinavian banks, is to roll out a QR code-enabled digital ID card that Swedish citizens will be able to create, store and use on their smartphone.
Users will be able to activate the digital ID card with either their Swedish passport or their Swedish national ID card and then use it when requested to verify their identity or prove their age by merchants, service providers and other companies that support the BankID service.
In addition to a holder’s facial image, name, personal identity number and age, the digital ID card will incorporate a QR code that companies can scan to authenticate the credential and on-screen effects that will show the card is active.
Security measures
“When you press on the screen, the picture will blur where pressed and a sound will be played. The sound will change depending on how long you press the screen,” BankID explains.
“With these effects, the validator can ensure the digital ID card is active and not a fake still image.”
“The security is based on the same stable foundation as BankID identifications and signatures, with some additions for a physical environment,” BankID adds.
“When an individual wishes to present their digital ID card, they must first verify their identity in the BankID app. This process ensures that the person’s identity is verified each time. It will not be possible to display an invalid digital ID card, which reduces the risk that companies and stores accidentally accept invalid ID documents.”
Bank ID is a subsidiary of Finansiell ID-Teknik BID, a company owned by seven Scandinavian Banks — Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Ikano Bank, Länsförsäkringar Bank, SEB, Skandiabanken and Swedbank.
Sweden to launch digital ID card that can be stored on a user’s smartphone was written by Tom Phillips and published by NFCW.