NFC World

News from the NFC World journal

US truckers get mobile payment cards to cover on-the-road fleet expenses

Trucking fleets in the US can now enable their drivers to make payments for on-demand expenses while they’re on the road by sending them a one-time-use digital payments card on their mobile phone. Drivers can use the digital payments solution at more than 100,000 merchants across the country to make one-off payments for vehicle repairs,

US truckers get mobile payment cards to cover on-the-road fleet expenses Read More »

Uber Eats adds contactless ordering and payments for restaurant meals and takeouts in the US

Diners will soon be able to use a new feature in the Uber Eats app to make contactless orders and payments in US restaurants, whether they are dining in or ordering a takeaway meal. “The tool is aptly called ‘Uber Eats Contactless Order Feature’ and the idea is to enable you to cover your bill

Uber Eats adds contactless ordering and payments for restaurant meals and takeouts in the US Read More »

Merchants in Spain and Hungary pilot cardless payments service that combines face and palm biometrics

Customers at a coffee shop in Budapest, Hungary, and a number of small city-centre retailers in Guadalajara, Spain, are piloting a biometric payment service which allows them to make payments at the point of sale using their face and palm without needing a card, smartphone or other mobile device. Users register for the service by

Merchants in Spain and Hungary pilot cardless payments service that combines face and palm biometrics Read More »

NFCW Expo: Exhibition and sponsorship information now available

The NFCW Expo provides industry suppliers with a way to launch new products, showcase their thought leadership and connect directly with a global audience of senior executives and technical specialists, NFCW editor Sarah Clark explains in a presentation now available in the NFCW Knowledge Centre. In the 12-minute presentation, Sarah explains how the NFCW Expo

NFCW Expo: Exhibition and sponsorship information now available Read More »

Japanese passengers test facial recognition ticketing on driverless buses

Bus passengers in Japan are taking part in a pilot of self-driving buses equipped with facial recognition technology which enables them to pay for their tickets as they board using a ‘face pass’ system. “Passengers have their face scanned and registered beforehand so that their account gets charged automatically once their face is detected boarding

Japanese passengers test facial recognition ticketing on driverless buses Read More »

UAE to launch national digital cash replacement platform that works for both banked and unbanked consumers

Both banked and unbanked residents of the UAE will soon be able to make instant cashless digital payments using a digital cash platform which they can either link directly to their bank accounts or add value to with cash at registered locations. The Klip digital cash platform is a digital wallet being developed by Emirates

UAE to launch national digital cash replacement platform that works for both banked and unbanked consumers Read More »

On-demand bus service picks ultrasonic technology for contactless ticketing

Travellers using BusUp’s on-demand, crowd-sourced buses for regular commutes or leisure trips can now authenticate their mobile boarding passes via a contactless verification system that uses ultrasonic data transmission technology. BusUp allows businesses and individuals in Europe, the USA and South America to set up and share their own bus routes. It has now integrated

On-demand bus service picks ultrasonic technology for contactless ticketing Read More »

EMVCo explains how EMV 3DS helps meet PSD2 requirements for strong customer authentication

Payments standards body EMVCo has produced a webcast explaining how the EMV 3-D Secure (3DS) authentication protocol can help online retailers and payment service providers meet upcoming PSD2 strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements for online transactions. In ‘EMV 3-D Secure: Enabling Strong Customer Authentication’, Bastien Latge, EMVCo’s director of technology, gives an overview of the

EMVCo explains how EMV 3DS helps meet PSD2 requirements for strong customer authentication Read More »