NFC World

News from the NFC World journal

Mastercard pilots cloud POS solution for contactless payments acceptance on NFC smartphones

Mastercard is piloting a cloud-based version of its Tap on Phone payments acceptance solution, enabling merchants of all sizes to accept cloud-hosted contactless payments directly on their Android NFC smartphone or tablet. “Cloud POS moves key parts of the acceptance software — the components that enable the processing of contactless transactions and certain security functions […]

Mastercard pilots cloud POS solution for contactless payments acceptance on NFC smartphones Read More »

Kenya to combine cashless payments with Covid contact tracing on Matatu minibuses

Passengers using Matatu minibus services in Kenya will no longer be able to pay their fares with cash once a digital fare collection system commissioned by the country’s National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) is rolled out. The NTSA invited tenders for the contract to develop a cashless payments service that would also incorporate Covid-19

Kenya to combine cashless payments with Covid contact tracing on Matatu minibuses Read More »

IATA to launch digital travel pass for contactless ID and vaccination verification

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is to roll out a digital travel pass that will enable passengers to store verified identity documents such as their e-passport and verified Covid-19 test results or inoculation records on their iPhone or Android device. “IATA Travel Pass is a mobile app to help travellers easily and securely manage

IATA to launch digital travel pass for contactless ID and vaccination verification Read More »

Dynamo Kyiv to reward soccer fans with digital tokens

Fans of Ukrainian football team Dynamo Kyiv will soon be able to earn digital tokens that they can store in a mobile wallet and spend in-person at the team’s stadium and online at its digital marketplace. The team-branded Dynamo tokens will be implemented using blockchain-powered technology and form part of a “first-of-its-kind sports ecosystem centered

Dynamo Kyiv to reward soccer fans with digital tokens Read More »

PBOC pilots contactless cards and wearables that let consumers make payments with China’s digital currency

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has expanded its central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot to include a contactless ‘hard wallet’ and NFC wearables that enable consumers to make in-store and transit fare payments with their digital yuan. The tests come as PBOC also launches its latest ‘red envelope’ lottery in Shenzhen, offering 100,000 residents

PBOC pilots contactless cards and wearables that let consumers make payments with China’s digital currency Read More »