Arkansas pizza restaurant serves up contactless bracelet that lets customers pour their own drinks

SELF-SERVE: The contactless bracelet enables customers to pour their own drinks in the taproom

Customers at a Smokin’ Oak Wood Pizza outlet in Fayetteville in the US state of Arkansas can now pour their own drinks from digitally controlled taps in a self-serve taproom using a contactless bracelet.

Once a customer has chosen from the 40 different craft beers available, the bracelet enables them to access the relevant tap, select either a one-ounce taster or a full pint and pay for their drinks when they choose to check out.

The launch follows changes in state legislation earlier this year to allow the use of self-pour technology.

“Self-pour technology provides a novel experience for our customers to enjoy over and over again,” says restaurant owner Ben Roberts.

“We’ve worked hard to bring this technology to Arkansas for the past year, knowing that the experience provided for both customers and restaurant owners is what is needed for business to be successful in the years ahead.”

Arkansas pizza restaurant serves up contactless bracelet that lets customers pour their own drinks was written by Tom Phillips and published by NFCW.