Aldi lets customers authorise age-restricted purchases with their face in London contactless store pilot

AUTHORISATION: Customers can use their face and the Aldi Shop&Go app to confirm their age

Customers wishing to purchase alcohol and other age-restricted products in Aldi’s first contactless store on Greenwich High Street in London can authorise their purchase using facial age estimation technology.

The technology allows customers to confirm they are old enough to purchase Challenge 25 products such as wine, beer and spirits “within seconds” via Aldi’s Shop&Go app without needing to present an ID document.

“Those who opt to not use the system will instead be age verified by a store colleague,” Aldi adds.

Staff began trialling Aldi’s AI-powered contactless store in the UK capital in September.

The supermarket chain has now opened the outlet for public testing, enabling customers to gain access by scanning the Shop&Go app, select the items they wish to purchase and be automatically charged for their purchases without scanning them or visiting a checkout.

Aldi lets customers authorise age-restricted purchases with their face in London contactless store pilot was written by Tom Phillips and published by NFCW.