The rising influence of Generation Alpha in the digital economy

A new global study has highlighted the profound impact that Generation Alpha (children aged 8-15) is having on household spending and the digital economy.

The research, by, conducted across the UK, US, UAE, and China, reveals that Generation Alpha is not only shaping purchasing decisions within their households but also actively participating in the digital economy through independent purchases.

As the digital economy continues to grow, businesses must pay attention to this emerging generation’s spending habits and preferences to remain competitive.

Generation Alpha’s Influence on Household Spending

According to the findings, Generation Alpha is driving over a quarter (27%) of their household’s monthly spending, with nearly a third of these purchases being digital products and services.

This shift in spending reflects the changing landscape of modern families, where digital tools and entertainment are increasingly seen as essential.

The report shows that 29% of Millennial parents are responsible for purchasing digital products for their children each month, contributing to the broader trend of digital goods making up over a fifth (21%) of global household spend.

Educational resources are one of the top categories influenced by Generation Alpha.

Nearly half (47%) of parents surveyed said they purchase online educational tools for their children, while a third (30%) invest in entertainment streaming services.

The report also highlighted a significant variation in parental spending across regions, with UAE parents leading the way in e-gaming purchases, where 47% of Millennial parents subscribe to monthly services for their children.

Independent Purchases by Generation Alpha

One of the most intriguing findings from the study is the growing independence of Generation Alpha when it comes to making their own purchases.

In the US, a third (33%) of children aged 8-15 are using their pocket money to make in-app purchases, while in the UK, a staggering 71% of 15-year-olds are making independent purchases for non-essential items.

Digital payments are becoming the norm for this generation, with cards cited as the preferred payment method for UK teens.

The study also highlights the growing use of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) by children over the age of 13.

While BNPL usage remains low in the UK (less than 1%), it is gaining traction in other regions, with 7% of US teens, 11% of UAE teens, and 19% of Chinese teens using this payment method.

In China, the report shows a remarkable shift toward digital and social commerce among Generation Alpha.

At 15 years old, 65% of Chinese children are making independent purchases, with social commerce and QR codes being their preferred shopping and payment methods.

Social commerce, already a dominant trend in China, is growing globally, with 51% of Chinese Generation Alpha consumers favouring it for shopping.

Social Commerce and Future Payment Trends

Globally, social commerce is quickly becoming the most popular shopping channel for younger generations.

Among Generation Z and Generation Alpha, physical stores are becoming a less common shopping environment, with only 35% of Gen Zs frequently shopping in brick-and-mortar locations.

Social media, on the other hand, is emerging as the go-to channel for discovering and purchasing new products, with little variation across regions.

In China, social commerce is already deeply entrenched, with nearly half (46%) of adults regularly purchasing through social channels.

Although adoption in the UK (24%), US (17%), and UAE (23%) is still lagging behind, the younger generation’s use of social media for product discovery shows that these markets may soon follow China’s lead.

Businesses that fail to tap into this growing trend risk missing out on a crucial avenue for reaching younger consumers.

As Rory O’Neill, Chief Marketing Officer at, aptly notes, “Generation Alpha is playing a major role in the digital economy.

This generation’s buying power, coupled with their comfort in using digital and social channels for shopping, is reshaping consumer behaviour worldwide.

Businesses need to stay ahead of these trends by offering payment methods and shopping experiences that align with the preferences of younger consumers.”


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